Madola Premium Pure Ceylon Tea -25 Tea bags


Under flavoured tea we hope to do several flavours such as Earl Grey,Mint flavour,Apple Flavour ,Vanilla Flavour etc.etc. Specially we are happy to introduce Vanilla Flavoured Tea .At the moment we are in the field of vanilla export. I invite you to taste our new products categories once it is released to the market.

Availability: 350 in stock

Weight 37.5 g

Pure Ceylon Tea is world famous. We also think to turn that path. Presently we are marketing Madola Pure Ceylon Tea to  niche audience in Ceylon and also exported sample tea products such as BOPF, PEKOE,ORANGE PEKOE(OP) to several countries. Hope near future we can capture world market through them. We are doing BOPF high quality up country tea to present market under Madola Brand. High quality tender tea leaves used to make Madola Tea. Under Madola Brand you can get green tea as well as black tea. We are doing 25 tea bag packet also.

Our customers know the taste of this product. Madola branded tea is reputed for its taste and aroma. We use high quality up country tea for our product.

We hope to improve package of our 25 tea bag packet and introduce flavored tea to market near future. So we invite you to subscribe our channel to get those new information regarding our products and promotions .Earlier we did promotions at High Court Complex, Zonal education, Survey department and NSB head office complex for Sinhala and Tamil new year. You can get information about these places through our channel ,Instagram, whatsapp and Twitter.

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