Madola Ceylon Ginger Powder


Ginger powder is made by grinding dried ginger into a fine powder. Its refreshing aroma combined with a biting taste makes this spice an indispensable ingredient in food processing throughout the world.

What is ginger powder used for;

  • Seasoning and flavoring
  • Jams and marmalades
  • Soups
  • Cakes
  • Puddings

Availability: 75 in stock

Weight 90 g
Dimensions 10 × 4 × 15 cm

Sri Lanka is a tropical island with one of the best climates favorable for agriculture in the world. Zingiberaceae Officinale or Ginger is a rhizome loaded with nutrition, and bioactive compounds useful to the human body. The genesis of ginger was found in Southeast Asia and had gradually spread to the whole world from time to time. According to Sri Lankan history records, ginger had been used by great king Rawana to cure diseases, and nearly in the 14th century, Europeans had used our Ceylonese variety of ginger to flavor their cuisine.

There are 3 main varieties of ginger cultivated in Sri Lanka;

  • Indigenous Ginger – Rhizomes are small and the fibrous flesh is somewhat ash white in color. Pungency and aroma are comparatively higher than other ginger varieties.
  • Rangoon variety – This is a hybrid variety with a medium-sized rhizome. The flesh is light yellow and less fibrous in size than the native variety. This variety gives higher yields.
  • Chinese Ginger – Rhizomes are large in size and slightly watery. The flesh is pale yellow in color. The pungency and aroma are low.

Health benefits of Ginger;

  • Can help with treating nausea
  • Can help with weight loss
  • Can help with osteoarthritis
  • May drastically lower blood sugars and improve heart disease risk factors
  • May significantly reduce menstrual pain
  • Can help treat chronic indigestion
  • May help to lower cholesterol level
  • Contains a substance that may help prevent cancer
  • Helps to improve brain functioning and to protect against Alzheimer’s disease
  • Can boost Immunes system against viruses and infections
  • Can help to relieve pain during pregnancy
Weight 90 g
Dimensions 10 × 4 × 15 cm


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